New Years Resolution Tips

My New Years Resolution Tips:

1) it all starts within you. Our attitude can have a tremendous impact on the state of our health. It is important to have a healthy relationship with yourself. This includes your mind, body and relations with others. Put yourself in places that help to foster this healthy attitude.

2) food is #1!!! Yes not exercise but food. I see plenty of people who exercise but are overweight and truly unhealthy.

A) Get rid of the sugar first and foremost!!!! This alone will have a huge impactOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

B) embrace healthy fats as a substitute such as avocado, nuts, seeds, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, almond butter, etc.

C)Eliminate dairy. This is often a huge cause of allergies and this is in large part to the production processes. If you can get fresh, raw made then do it but otherwise avoid.

D) gluten may or may not be an enemy. Best to eliminate and proceed with caution. I believe the verdict on this is still yet to be determined despite the common media perception.

E) eat your veggies! Dark leafy greens, garlic, onions and more! Steam them and enjoy. Cook in some healthy oils and and enjoy.

F) embrace spices and herbs in your cooking. There are ample health benefits and medicinal qualities.

3) move your body! Simple! Exercise is important and depending on your goals you can tailor the type, intensity, duration accordingly.

A) breathe! This is beyond important and often overlooked. But it is the hallmark of yoga, tai chi, qigong and many other healthy movement systems.

B) find some quiet time and meditate. No books, screens, or even other distractions. You can use music and candles. You can sit l, lay down or take a walk in nature. Breathe deeply and enjoy!

C) stretch! Our lifestyle changes the structure of our body and the relationships of various muscles, joints and affects the organs. For
Instance if you have round shoulders and mid/upper back it collapses on the lungs and makes breathing more difficult. This is one of many examples. So open and stretch. Yes, yoga is by far the best system and way. From here you can discover what works and do your own practice in time. Be mindful
And pay attention!